
Death Rally – Klassiker von 1996 kommt fürs iOS

Das Spiel Death Rally aus dem Jahre 1996 von Remedy Entertainment (Max Payne, Alan Wake) wird auf dem iPod, iPhone und iPad wieder mächtig Gas geben. Remedy Entertainment arbeitet in Partnerschaft mit den Jungs und Mädels von Mountain Sheep (Minigore) an dem Spiel. Der Release von Death Rally ist für März 2011 geplant.

Death Rally ist ein Rennspiel welches ihr aus der Vogelperspektive steuert. Die PC Version gibt es mittlerweile als Freeware zum Download. (Klick mich!)

Anbei noch ein kleines Video und ein kleines FAQ im Original. Lag heute im Email Postfach 🙂 Thx guys!

Q:     What is “Death Rally”?

A:         Remedy’s debut game, a racing game called “Death Rally”, was published in 1996 by Apogee Software and GT Interactive. “Death Rally” quickly became known for its addictive nature and the numerous little details that made it a game that would not let go of the player once they started playing it.

The Classic ““Death Rally” was re-released in 2009 as a free version that runs on modern Windows PCs.  Now a fresh remake of the classic is coming exclusively to iPhone and iPad, being developed in partnership with the talented teams at “Mountain Sheep” and “Cornfox & Bros.

Q:     What is the idea behind “Death Rally”?

A:         Enter races, crush and humiliate your opponents, earn money, upgrade your car, earn better guns and crush or get crushed again. Death Rally is a racing game with a (bad) attitude 🙂 No trick is too dirty, making it to the finish line first is all that matters.

Q:     What parts of your car can you upgrade?

A:         Various engines provide you with more raw power. Better tires can keep that power in (or out of) control. And guns… Big guns. If you notice that your opponents cars are equipped with rocket launchers you may want to reconsider overtaking them. Don’t forget to repair your car between races too.

Q:     When will “Death Rally” launch?

A:     In March 2011

Q:     What platforms will the game be available on?

A:      Exclusively for iPhone and iPad

Q:     Can you tell more about Remedy?

A:    Remedy Entertainment is a renowned games developer based out of Espoo, Finland. It is best known for action filled triple-A tiles such as the “Max Payne” and “Alan Wake” franchises

Q:     Can you tell more about Mountain Sheep and Cornfox & Bros?

A:    Mountain Sheep is the developer of the iPhone best-seller Minigore. Always on the lookout for something exceptional, they are certainly not your ordinary sheep.
Cornfox & Brothers is a fresh Finnish game company formed of veteran game developers. They value quality and originality in their work and want to provide memorable experiences for gaming audiences.

Q:          Is this a Remedy game?

A:          Yes. This is an original Remedy game.  We have partnered with talented developers that have a proven track record on the iOS platforms, with games like Minigore.

Q:          How much will it cost?
A:          Similar to other high-end games on the platform.

Q:          Why is Remedy  doing this?

A:          Because it’s fun. We’re huge fans of iPhone and iPad as gaming platforms, and with it’s addictive and action packed gameplay Death Rally felt like a natural fit. The game works great in short sessions but it’s just as easy to end up spending hours and  hours racing, crashing, upgrading and beating the competition.  The iPhone and iPad are obviously platforms that have gotten a lot of recognition lately. As developers it’s in our interest to investigate new and important platforms.


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